Subscription Box

  • Can I upgrade my subscription at any time?

    Yes! You can upgrade your subscription at any time. However, it will not go into effect until your current subscription ends.
  • Do you offer referrals?

    We are proud to offer a refer-a-friend program! Learn more about it here.
  • How Do I Cancel or Unsubscribe My Subscription?

    If you would like to cancel or make any changes to your subscription, you can do so here:
  • How Do I Track My Subscription Box?

    When your subscription box ships you will receive a notification via email. You can also check your Subscription Box page anytime to view the status of your subscription box and any tracking information for it here:
  • How Do I Update My Billing Address?

    You can update your billing address by heading over to this page: And clicking "Manage Payment & Billing Methods". Once you are brought to a new screen click the "Billing and Shipping Addresses" link to update your details.
  • How Do I Update My Credit Card?

    You can make changes to your billing details here:
  • How Do I Update My Phone Number?

    You can update your phone number which is used to send survey notifications in your profile here:
  • How Do I Update My Shipping Address?

    If you would like to update your shipping address for future subscription shipments you can do so here: Click the "Update Shipping" button on the subscription you would like modified.
  • How Much Is A Subscription?

    So you're ready to start your journey? Well, you've come to the right place! Our pricing depends on which type of box you would like and how long you would like to sign up for. View our full subscription pricing here: htts://
  • Invoice Payment Failed - How We Retry Your Card

    If you received an email that your subscription invoice failed due to a payment error, our system helps us resolve this issue automatically. We will retry your card 3, 8, 11, and 15 days after the first invoice payment failure. If your card fails on the 4th retry, your subscription will be autom...
  • I want a refund.

    Is the purchase a shop order or subscription box? Subscription boxes are non-refundable. If it is a shop order, you have 90 days from the date of purchase to reach out to our customer service team. Once you do, we will send a return label for you to send back the order. When we receive it, we wil...
  • My subscription charge did not go through! What happens now?

    Our system will automatically retry your primary payment a few more times before your subscription is canceled.We will retry your card 3, 8, 11, and 15 days after the first invoice payment failure. If your card fails on the 4th retry, your subscription will be automatically canceled.
  • My Survey Link Doesn't Work

    Have no fear! If the link to your survey doesn't work, you can access your survey anytime from your subscription box dashboard here:
  • When Will I Receive My Subscription Box?

    Welcome to the wonderful world of crystals! We craft our boxes on a schedule each month. Master & Apprentice Box You will receive your survey on the 1st of each month. The faster you fill out your survey, the faster we can craft it for you! You have until the 7th of the month to fill out yo...
  • Where do I cancel my subscription?

    If you'd like to cancel your subscription you can do so anytime by visiting your subscription portal here.
  • Where is my survey?

    You will receive your survey on the 1st of the month, each month! You'll have seven days to fill it out, the faster you fill it out, the faster we can send your box to you! If you've lost the link to your survey, you can always access them from this page: